What is a Freedom 'Factory'?
Powered by community, we:
- Provide grassroots activists groups access to mentorship in technology, marketing, and communications
- Increase opportunities for grassroots activists groups to collaborate across PILLARS OF INFLUENCE
- Create opportunities to train and support new community leaders
- Optimize a dynamic tool used to triage donors, volunteers, and allies to established social justice organizations and nonprofits
- Promote educational tools surrounding policy suggestions presented by grassroots groups
- Serve as the conduit for community polling surrounding social justice reforms
- Optimize data collection methods to include grassroots methods, as well as technology, news media, grade school curriculum, and collegiate interactions.
- Curate and circulate opportunities to get involved in community organizing
- Invest in partnerships with historically disadvantaged communities
Statement on Public Office Campaigns:
Black Freedom Factory is a neutral and non-aligned organization regarding public office campaigns. It is essential for Black Freedom Factory to remain true to its mission of holding politicians accountable concerning topics related to race relations, diversity and equity.
In order for Black Freedom Factory to effectively carry out its mission, the organization must remain impartial to all political candidate endorsements or any perceived bias in favor of a candidate over another.
We hope you can support us in our mission in ensuring the efficiency of transparent communal advocacy.
In solidarity,
Kimiya Factory
President/Executive Director